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HECZ CVF (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone CVF Combe Village and Fields Historic Character This is a mixed zone of arable, pasture, downland and woodland, containing t...
HECZ EA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone EA Enborne Assarts Historic Character Historically the zone, lying between the River Enborne and Greenham and Crookham Commo...
HECZ EDI (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone EDI Eddington Historic Character This is a mixed zone comprising the historic settlement of Eddington, recent housing and sm...
HECZ HPK (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HPK Hamstead Park Historic Character This zone is composed of the extensive landscape park of Hamstead Park and related fiel...
HECZ HHC (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HHC Hungerford Historic Core Historic Character An historic market town with a substantial stock of historic buildings, Hung...
HECZ HCFM (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HCFM Hungerford Common – Freeman’s Marsh Historic Character This is a zone of common grazing land on the western edge of Hun...
HECZ HCPD (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone HCPD Hungerford Common – Port Down Historic Character This is a zone of common grazing land on the east side of Hungerford t...
HECZ HSAN (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ HSAN Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arc...
HECZ LVSA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone LVSA Lambourn Valley - Scattered Archaeological records Historic Character This zone is the southern side of the valley from...
HECZ M4L (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone M4L M4 Lakes Historic Character This zone contains a mix of extensive lakes created out of disused gravel pits, active grave...