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Mental Health: Sources of Help and Support

Links to support groups and services that can give you help and support

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Mental Health Support Groups and Services

For general information, guidance and support for your mental health, the MIND website is a good place to start. MIND provide guidance about available support and servicesinformation about legal rights, and information about types of mental health problems, amongst other things.

If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness, or are struggling to cope, you can use the links below to find support groups and services that can give you help:

As well as looking at the organisations and support services listed above, you can download our Icon for pdf Online mental health service directory June 2023 [3MB] , which provides useful information and contact details.

Support Caring for Someone with a Mental Health Illness

If you care for someone with a mental health illness and feel that you need help and support, we have listed some services that can help:

The West Berkshire Directory

The West Berkshire Directory Mental Health Services provides links to charities and organisations related to mental health based in West Berkshire.

Other Charities

There are various other charities that can provide information and guidance about mental health, we have listed some below:

  • SANE - offers emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness
  • Calmzone - support for men who need to talk or find information and support about mental illness
  • Young Minds - support for children and young people with a mental health illness

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