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HECZ WDR (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone WDR Wooded Downs – Roman Historic Character This is a zone of mixed land-use defined by a buffer around the known concentrat...
HECZ WQL (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ WQL Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...
HECZ WWHM (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone WWHM West Woodhay – Hamstead Marshall Historic Character This is a predominantly rural zone characterised by a mix of ancien...
HECZ PVL (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone PVL Pang Valley - Lower Historic Character This is a rural zone containing the historic settlements of Bucklebury, Stanford ...
HECZ PTML (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone PTML Pang-Thames Modernised Landscape Historic Character This zone is mostly farmland and woodland and is split into norther...
HECZ SCA (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone SCA Snelsmore Commons Area Historic Character This zone is bisected by the A34 and characterised by large areas of common la...
HECZ PTSB (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone PTSB Pang-Thames Settled Belt Historic Character This is a zone of recent housing with some fields and wooded areas focussin...
HECZ PVM (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ PVM Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (arch...
HECZ SG (Adobe pdf files), HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT CHARACTER ZONING, HECZ, HEAP HECZ SG Historic Environment Character Zone Document ArchaeologyArchaeological sites, Digs (archa...
HECZ TVF (Adobe pdf files) Environment Character Zone TVF Thames Valley Floor Historic Character This is a largely agricultural zone and contains the settlements of Streatley and...