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Appendix J - Risk of Flooding from Surface Water (Adobe pdf files) J - Risk of Flooding from Surface Water
Appendix K - Groundwater Emergence Mapping (Jacobs) (Adobe pdf files) K - Groundwater Emergence Mapping (Jacobs)
Appendix L - Groundwater Flood Mapping (JBA) (Adobe pdf files) L - Groundwater Flood Mapping (JBA)
Appendix M - Reservoir Flood Risk (Adobe pdf files) M - Reservoir Flood Risk
Appendix N - Site Locations (Adobe pdf files) N - Site Locatinos
ID2 - Rule 6 - SNTS Opening Statement (Adobe pdf files) Opening Statement Sandleford is a touchstone for three key areas of Government Policy: 1) Environmental Protection 2) Action on Climate Change 3) Improveme...
ID1 - Appellants' Opening Statement (Adobe pdf files) Sandleford Park Appellants’ Opening Submissions Context 1. “.. it remains the firm belief of the Council that Sandleford Park is the most appropriate location...
ID4 - Rule 6 - GPC Opening Statement by Tony Vickers (Adobe pdf files) Opening Statement by Cllr Dr Tony Vickers (on behalf of Greenham Parish Council as Rule 6 Party) Madam, if you wish for it to be shown on screen, I have produ...
ID3 - Rule 6 - NTC Opening Statement by Roger Hunneman (Adobe pdf files) Opening Statement for NTC, Sandleford Inquiry May 2021 1 Opening Statement by Cllr Roger Hunneman (On behalf of Newbury Town Council, as a Rule 6 Party) Mada...
Sandleford Appeal Inquiry Documents List (Adobe pdf files) Word - Sandleford Appeal Inquiry Documents List 28.5.21 Sandleford Appeal APP/W0340/W/20/3265460 LIST OF INQUIRY DOCUMENTS Reference Document Details ...