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Statement of Persons Nominated for Inkpen Parish (Adobe pdf files) OF PERSONS NOMINATED West Berkshire District Council Election of a Parish Councillor The following is a statement of the persons nominated for electio...
Building Control Solutions Control Solutions is a partnership between the Building Control Services of West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council
Submit a building regulations application your application for a building notice, full plans, regularisation, demolition or reversion application online.
Apply for a demolition notice notice of intention to demolish a structure.
Submit a building notice for domestic electrical works you're doing electrical work then tell us about it.
Submit your building notice for domestic replacement doors and windows you're replacing doors or windows then tell us about it.
Book a building control inspection sure your building work is safe.
Request a copy of a building control document us to request a copy of Building Control Decision Notices or Completion Certificates for use in the sale of a property.
Ask about your proposed building project Building Control to ask about your proposed building project and whether you need permission.
About building control charges out about Building Control Charges and how to get a competitive quote on your proposed project.