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Family Information Service: family hubs family hubs services on the West Berkshire Directory.
Local Offer: encouraging independent travel and information on encouraging and helping young people to travel independently.
Local Offer: Disabled Children's Register Disabled Children Register (DCR) is a secure database which captures information about all children and young people aged 0 to 25 years with special educati...
Local Offer: travel and transport services on the directory View all relevant services or click the categories below to see specific services: Information and guidance On the pages below ...
About the SEND Local Offer out what the Local Offer is and what we do, as well as strategies, plans, surveys and other useful resources.
Local Offer: moving from children's to adult's social care about transitioning (moving) from children's social care to adult social care services.
Local Offer: resources for schools and professionals answers to frequently asked questions about our SEND Local Offer.
Local Offer: early years provision about what we expect early years settings to provide for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and Assessments (including Annual Reviews) and EHCP and EHC assessments, including templates and forms you can download.
Local Offer: special schools and specialist schools about what special and specialist schools are as well as our local special schools.