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Our Market Street offices will be closed today due to a problem with the water supply. Please call 01635 551111 for help if you were planning to come in to see us.

Strategies, policies and plans

Find all our published strategies, policies and plans and what they're for.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Inclusion StrategyOur overarching values are:

  • Integrity - we act with integrity ensuring all decisions are lawful, transparent and impartial
  • Customer focused - we listen to our customers and do our best for them
  • Fairness - we will always treat everyone fairly

Our strategies, plans and policies shape the way we deliver and improve services. On this page we have listed all our strategies, policies and plans, and have organised them into the following categories: 

Vision for the district

Corporate-wide strategies, policies and plans

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Service-level strategies, policies and plans

We have organised these strategies, policies and plans by the following council strategy priority areas:

Services we are proud of

  • Our Icon for pdf Berkshire West Health and Wellbeing Strategy [10MB] covers Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham, and identifies five key areas in which we will make a difference to people's lives by targeting work and resources where they are needed, and where we know we can help to enable all of our residents to live happier and healthier lives.
  • Our Icon for pdf Commercial Property Investment Strategy [476KB]  sets out our plan to purchase commercial investment properties to provide a balanced investment portfolio and therefore a long-term, sustainable revenue stream.
  • Our Icon for pdf Communications and Engagement Strategy [15MB] sets out our objectives and key principles for engagement to ensure we meet the needs of those we serve, and the outcomes which will help us determine if this approach has been successful.
  • Our Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Enforcement Policy provides an overview of how we will use the enforcement powers contained within the legislation. It is not intended to be a step-by-step procedure note specifying how we will consider individual cases.
  • Our Icon for pdf Digital Strategy 2020 to 2023 [2MB]  sets out how we intend to embrace new technologies, to enhance working practices and use digital techniques to ensure we can operate as efficiently as possible.

A fairer West Berkshire with opportunities for all

  • Our Icon for pdf Adult Autism Strategy [739KB]  plans how to support people with autism in West Berkshire.
  • Our Adult Social Care Charging Policy sets out how we will ask people for a contribution towards the cost of the adult social care support they receive, and how that contribution will be calculated.
  • Our Adult Social Care Deferred Payments Policy sets out how we will meet the requirement of the Care Act 2014 (sections 34 and 35) to offer Deferred Payments Agreements, to allow a person to defer the sale of their home where it is needed to fund care fees.
  • Our Icon for pdf Adult Social Care Strategy [1MB] sets out the principles demonstrated by our staff, the standards that our service users can expect and our role in relation to our partner organisations. (Please note: The ASC Strategy is under review as aspects of it no longer reflect the priorities of the current administration. A revised strategy is being developed and will be out for public consultation in due course).
  • Our Icon for pdf Adult Social Care Market Position Statement [11MB] summarises supply and demand for adult social care services in our district, and signals business opportunities within the care market in our area.
  • Our Apprenticeship Strategy sets out our ambition as both an employer and a key stakeholder in the future of our communities, including the promotion of apprenticeships to other local businesses both within West Berkshire and as part of a pan Berkshire initiative.
  • The Icon for pdf Berkshire Suicide Prevention Strategy [3MB]  encompasses the core elements of strong multi-agency working, public health leadership and comprehensive suicide prevention plans, setting out our local action to reduce suicide and self-harm.
  • Our Carers Strategy sets out how we support carers and young carers, to ensure that services are available and of a good quality.
  • Our Icon for pdf Community Learning and Skills Strategy [5MB]  sets out our commitment to providing a wide range of learning opportunities within, and for, our local communities. We aim to provide learning opportunities that reflect and respond to the diverse range of community needs, offering enrichment, progression and development in support of individuals, their families, their neighbourhoods and the wider community.
  • Our Icon for doc Discretionary Housing Payment Policy [266KB] supports the homelessness and rough sleeping strategy. The policy explains the scheme and the factors that will be considered when deciding whether to make a payment to residents who need extra help to pay their rent.
  • Our Domestic Abuse Strategy details the targets and aims we've implemented to address domestic abuse, encouraging effective action to support those experiencing, or affected by, domestic abuse.
  • Our Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy sets out our plans to ensure a variety of support and safe accommodation options are available in West Berkshire, to meet the needs of all domestic abuse victims, including children. This Strategy will be delivered alongside the West Berkshire Domestic Abuse Strategy 2020 to 2023.
  • Our Equality Policy sets out our vision and commitment to equality of opportunity and respect for diversity.
  • Our Home to School Transport Policy ensures the equitable provision of transport to those who qualify under the Council's statutory duties and to explain when discretionary transport provision might be available 2022-2027.
  • Our Icon for pdf Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020 to 2025 [2MB]  sets our our plan for continuing work to address homelessness and rough sleeping.
  • Our Residential and Nursing Care Placements for Older People Policy sets out our plan for any new residential and nursing home placements, principally for people aged 65 and over.
  • Our Safeguarding Adults Policy shows how we will meet the requirement of Section 2 of the Care Act, to ensure the provision of preventative services (services which help prevent, delay or reduce the development of care and support needs).
  • Our School Improvement Strategy aims to ensure that all our schools are at least 'good' and all children make maximum progress, achieving their potential.
  • Our Serious Violence Reduction Strategy sets out our approach to tackling serious violence in West Berkshire
  • Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy sets out our vision and key priorities for supporting our children and young people with SEND.
  • Our Icon for pdf Supported Employment Strategy [13MB] aims to ensure that those who sometimes struggle to participate in the job market receive any extra assistance they might require to access available and appropriate employment opportunities.
  • Our Icon for pdf Workforce Strategy 2019-2023 [344KB] ties together various policies and activities that affect the workforce.

You can find an index of all our Adult Social Care policies, procedures and information online here.

You can also find an index of all our Children Social Care policies, procedures and information online here.

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Tackling the climate and ecological emergency

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A prosperous and resilient West Berkshire

  • Our Bus Services Improvement Plan (BSIP) sets out the plans of the council and bus operators to improve bus operation in the district and increase bus patronage.
  • Our Economic Development Strategy reflects a refreshed commitment to supporting the economy of West Berkshire. Whilst the area has many strengths, we recognise that there is still more to do and our strategy seeks to focus on these issues and, in particular, those challenges where we feel we can make a real contribution.
  • Our Enhanced Partnership Plan and scheme for local bus services implements the improvements detailed in the BSIP via the scheme(s).
  • Our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy addresses various aspects of local flood risk management, from improving awareness and communication to implementing measures to reduce unacceptable flood risk.
  • Our Highways Asset Management Plan provides guidance on the delivery of value for money highway maintenance services.
  • Our Housing Allocations Policy explains the framework that we use to decide how we allocate our social and affordable rent homes in West Berkshire, and what our priorities are in doing so.
  • Our Housing Grants and Loans Policy explains the housing grants and loans that are available to West Berkshire residents.
  • Our Housing Strategy is our vision for housing services across West Berkshire from 2020 to 2036.
  • Our Licensing Policy sets out how we will determine applications made under the Licensing Act 2003.
  • Our Local Plan, which sets out our local planning policies, is made up of a number of different documents, including the Core Strategy Development Plan Document, the Housing Sites Allocations Development Plan Document and the West Berkshire District Local Plan.
  • Our Statement of Gambling Principles identifies what we will generally consider when looking at applications for a gambling licence.
  • The goal of our Social Value Policy is to generate greater positive economic, environmental and social outcomes for West Berkshire from the public contracts the Council commissions and tenders.

Thriving communities with a strong local voice

  • Our Contaminated Land Strategy updates the relevant action plans and procedures taking into account the Council's current priorities and recent changes to the contaminated land statutory guidance.
  • Our Icon for pdf Cultural and Heritage Strategy 2020 to 2030 [14MB] sets out the Cultural Heritage Strategy Delivery Group's strategic themes and objectives over ten years. Culture and heritage are integral to keeping the district as a place where people want to live, work and visit. The Delivery Plan and actions will be developed with key stakeholder organisations who have specialist knowledge, experience and networks, by autumn 2021.
  • Our Greenham Business Park Local Development Order provides a streamlined planning process.
  • Our Highway Winter Service Plan provides details of the policies, procedures and practices, which ensure our responsibilities for providing the Winter Service are met.
  • Our Home to School Transport Policy ensures the equitable provision of transport to those who qualify under the council's statutory duties, and to explain when discretionary transport provision might be available.
  • Our Icon for pdf Leisure Strategy [6MB] outlines how we intend to work with our residents and partners to develop leisure opportunities and increase accessibility, to meet the needs and wishes of the local community and increase participation.  
  • Our Minerals and Waste Local Plan sets out our policies to manage mineral and waste development in West Berkshire, as well as allocating sites for mineral extraction.
  • Our Network Management Plan shows how we manage the way traffic moves around the district's highway network. It sets out how we intend to fulfil our network management duty.
  • Our Icon for pdf Playing Pitch Strategy [1MB]  is a strategic assessment that provides an up-to-date analysis of supply and demand for playing pitches (grass and artificial) in a local authority area.
  • Our Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides guidance on the approach that should be taken to SuDS in new developments in West Berkshire, to manage and mitigate surface water flood risk.
  • Our Tenancy Strategy guides Registered Providers (RP's) in developing tenancy policies for their own stock, as we are a non-stockholding authority.

You can find our plans for re-shaping our town centres and high streets here.

Other Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards policies can be found on the Public Protection Partnership webpage.

Other strategies, policies and plans

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